
Why is Confidentiality Important in Research?

researchWe are sure all of you know what confidentiality is; however have you wondered about its importance in research. Are you writing a research paper with data obtained from new participants? Do not stop if you are confused because we are here to help you.

The baseline of confidentiality or why it is followed is because a subject is more probable to give out honest and authentic responses if they are assured that their identity will not be exposed. Read more...


What is Action Research Methodology?

Research-MethodologyDo you have an assignment on application of action research methodology? Are you finding it hard to comprehend the subject or the work? We are there to help you in any case!

The action research methodology is known by various names that consist of participatory research, emancipator research and even contextual action. However, they are named so based on their themes. Read more...


How to choose a research topic?

research-topicsIt is important to understand that the ability to build upon a good research topic is a skill by itself. There are many steps before one chooses a topic for research, some of the important steps in choosing a research topic are given below in detail.

To start with, select a set of topics that are relevant to your studies and refer your texts and syllabus for more topics. Then choose some topics that are of interest to you.



How to choose a good research question?

research-paper-topics-high-schoolAre you struggling to ask a good research question? Have you thought about the basic guidelines behind choosing the right research question? Do you know how important is your research question is to your research?

To start off, a good research question leads and focuses the research at a convenient point to diverge from there. It should definitely be clear and well-focused. Read more...


Advantages and disadvantages in writing a paper questionnaire

questionnaireQuestionnaires are considered to be a very vital part of the research process as they help in obtaining the research data. According to the survey design there are two types of questionnaires one is a self completion questionnaire which is low in cost when administered and the other one is interviewer administered ones which is high in cost. Self completion is sent to the target group who need to attend the survey through emails. This target group can either consist of a cluster of people who have agreed to take up surveys or a group of people targeted from a particular customer database etc. Read more...


Application of Research Methodology in dissertation

research_methodologyA research methodology is a process in which a certain amount of data is collected in order to solve the research issues. Further we will be highlighting and understanding the methods of conducting a research by identifying its objectives. Research is a very long and continuous process in which some students struggle during the completion due to various factors. Read more...