
Tips to save yourself when you are stuck while writing your dissertation

writing-tipsAre you feeling lost while writing your dissertation? Are you feeling lonely and stuck and not able to arrive at any conclusion? Do, not worry!! We, at Express Dissertation are here with our expert team of counselors to provide you advice on how to deal with these situations.

The most commonly dealt topic these days in our organisation, is what to do when one is stuck in the dissertation process. Lately, since most of the students faced similar issues, we have decided to offer a few tips with which you can solve your issues. Read more...


Never complete dissertation work when on a vacation

chapterIt is every student’s general tendency to have a fear when the date of dissertation submission arrives. However, we at Express Dissertation feel that students should take a break and resume work after vacation instead of working in a vacation. This may lead to a double loss, first the loss of quality time of a break needed and second the loss of concentration on the work done.

So here we offer you a few tips on why you should not take your dissertation work to a vacation.

While taking your laptop, dissertation materials, books on a vacation with a bleak idea that you can work in your free time, you are wrong. You are in fact carrying more luggages and spoiling the entire quality time to be spent with your friends, Read more...


Coping with dissertation Stress

dissertation-stressOut of every 10 students who write their dissertation, at-least 50% of them suffer from various challenges in this process. The main theme of this article is to give tips on how to overcome these challenges.

The main goal of resilience or coping with stress linked to dissertation is the most common topic discussed everywhere. We, at Express Dissertation have analysed various literature sources that teach students to write dissertation, however very few articles linked to coping with dissertation resilience are observed. So do you think that you have the skill set to overcome these hurdles? Read more...


Help to writing annotated bibliographies

annotatedAre you in the process of writing an annotated bibliography? Are you aware of what is to be included in this type of writing? Do not worry, we are here to guide you and give you the best.

When you order an annotated bibliography with us, it is compulsory to remember that these annotated bibliographies are very different from the other types of writing that are related to academic services. It is usually more than normal academic papers that you write every year or every semester as it has to analyse the sources that one uses in research.

As we are familiar with the challenges that the students face while writing a custom annotated bibliography, we are here to offer you help in this respect and because we have experienced people who Read more...


Is my dissertation topic too broad

dissertationBroad topics of dissertation

Are you planning to complete your dissertation soon? Have your reviewers given the comment that your topic of dissertation is too broad? Well, this is one common issue that every researcher faces, but remember one thing it is always easy to broaden a topic than concentrate on one small topic.

Most of your supervisors do not have the time to explain these problems and they seldom will help you in this regard. Due to the fact that this is an individual perception or a tricky thing to do, we will try our best to help you at this stage. We, Read more...


Tips to complete your dissertation: Part 1

dissertation-tipsAre you one of those PhD students who are on the process of writing your dissertation? Are you lacking motivation to write your thesis? Your search ends here; we are here to give you some quick tips and tricks that will be useful to you and your dissertation work.

We completely understand that the dissertation is a major part of your life and we know how stressful it is to people, that is why we have come up with tips and tricks to help you complete your dissertation in a three-part blog.

The first and foremost tip is to keep writing on a daily basis and write them sooner as this dissertation writing can pose as a bigger headache as time passes by. It is a rigorous process and your entire graduation and career are based upon this. Read more...